Day 4. Who am I & why am I doing this

Life never goes to plan exactly the way you want it to. We all go through the highs and lows of life, and when you’re experiencing a low, the important thing is to first acknowledge your mindset, your situation, assess the controllable vs the uncontrollable things in your life, then draw up a plan on where you want to be a year from now and how you are going to change for the better. I.e. Sad to happy again. I know my writing isn’t as great nor inspiring as how it used to be (my second blog was a fashion and beauty blog). But I will tell you this, I’m getting there.


Who am I?

– Final Year Nursing student

– 22-years-old

– Big dreamer

– Assertive by nature

– Gets out the aggression and frustration through taekwondo

– Dances to get the tension out and feel like a woman (and work on my unco-ness)

– Is in awe of the fashion world


Why I’m doing this?

To bounce back. To pick up the pieces. To redefine myself. To challenge myself. To discover new things about myself. To create a map of my journey to happiness. To create the person I want to be.